BANCA DE DEFESA | Doutorado em Design

O PPG Design da Universidade Anhembi Morumbi convida para a defesa da Tese de Doutorado de Design, Interfacing Game Design and Sports Science: Designing a simulator to a improve cognitive skills in rugby athletes, por NIVIA BARBOZA FERREIRA, que ocorrerá dia 26/08/2022, às 14h00. O evento será on-line e a sala estará aberta a partir das 13h40. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Sérgio Nesteriuk. Para acessar clique:  Veja mais informações abaixo.

Prof. Dr. Sérgio Nesteriuk
Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
Orientador e presidente da banca

Prof. Dr. Welby Ings
Auckland University of Technology

Prof. Dr. Gilbertto Prado
Anhembi Morumbi University
Examinador interno

Prof. Dra. Suzete Venturelli
Anhembi Morumbi University
Examinadora interna

Prof. Dra. Martina Navarro
Senior Lecturer in Skill Acquisition
University of Portsmouth
School of Sport, Health and Exercise Science
Examinadora externa

Prof. Dr. Marcos Cuzziol
São Paulo University (USP)
Examinador externo


Employing practice-led inquiry, this research considers the possibilities of colaboration between the fields of Design and Sports Science through the development of game simulators that are developed to improve cognitive skills in rugby athletes.

Emanating from a participatory paradigm, the study seeks to address complex problems while drawing upon knowledge and experiences of practitioners in sport contexts, including coaches, athletes, and a game simulation development team. It is estimated that the artifacts resulting from this process may increase rugby performance (Antonio, 2017). The game aims to enhance the cognitive skills of players specifically in areas like anticipation, processing speed and decision making in two-on-one situations.

During the investigation, a simulation game will be developed to assist coaches and athletes in decision-making when training. The game development process will empldy prototyping cycles inside an. Agile Methodology with SCRUM Framework. Here the researcher and her development team will work closely with players and coaches and at crucial times, demands will be discussed and prototypes developed and evaluated.

This research is supported by a partnership between Auckland University of Technology (in Aotearoa/New Zealand) and Anhembi Morumbi University (in Brazil). This international cooperation generates a fertile environment for the emergence of new approaches.

Keywords: action research; digital design: game design; participatory paradigm; practice-) oriented research; rugby.